Three individuals were arrested by the South Bidhannagar Police near Niko Park Metro Station late last night for allegedly preparing to commit a robbery. The arrested suspects were identified as Raju Chandra (32), a resident of Tangra, Arif Paik (40), from Diamond Harbour, and Joydev Chakraborty (26), a Sector 5 resident. The arrests followed a routine police patrol in the area, a location that sees high foot traffic due to nearby tourist attractions such as Eco Park and office goers passing through Sector 5.
The suspects were observed acting suspiciously on the road. Upon spotting the police vehicle, they attempted to flee. The police quickly gave chase and apprehended the trio. Following the arrest, a search of the suspects revealed several sharp weapons, rods, and ropes. These items were seized as evidence, suggesting that the suspects had planned a robbery in the area. Investigations are continuing to determine whether they had identified a specific target or were preparing to commit a random crime.
The South Bidhannagar Police have charged the suspects under multiple sections, including robbery and possession of weapons. The trio was booked for further legal action. Authorities are continuing to question the suspects to investigate if they are part of a larger criminal network operating in the region. The suspects will be presented in the Bidhannagar court on Sunday.